streda 12. júna 2013

vyzeráme: malý skok do obchodu; "komu sa nelení, tomu sa zelení" / the look: a little jump to the grocery store; "bird catches the worm"

Názov je dlhý dosť, už ani netreba viac písať :D Išla som si takto do obchodu, stretla pána suseda (asi najlepšie vyzerajúci chlap u nás v baráku), ten si ma premeral, ja som sa zaškerila, svet je gombička :D
The title is long enough, nothing more to write about now :D I went to the grocery store the other day, met mr. neighbor (probably the best looking man in the whole prefab), he looked at me from the top to the bottom, I grinned, the life if beautiful :D
tričko Gate, rifle second hand, topánky Peacocks, náhrdelník Bijou Brigette, okuliare H&M / T-shirt Gate, jeans second hand, shoes Peacocks, necklace Bijou Brigette, sunglasses H&M
Leto konečne prišlo, čo to znamená? Šaty a sukne bez pančušiek, sandále, tielka........ Niekedy bude fakt ťažké dodržat "formálny štýl" obliekania do práce.
The Summer has finally arrived, what does it mean? Dresses and skirts without pantyhose, sandals, vests, shirts without sleeves........ It will be hard sometimes to do "business casual" to work.
blúzka Koton, 7/8 nohavice C&A, kabelka miu miu (Egypt), topánky Mixer, opasok k šatám Pimkie,okuliare H&M, hodinky New Yorker, náušnice Cropp Town / blouse Koton, 7/8 trousers C&A, handbag miu miu (Egypt), shoes Mixer, belt from dress Pimkie, sunglasses H&M, watches New Yorker, earrings Cropp Town

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