pondelok 29. júla 2013

varíme: letná polievka z fazuľových strukov / cooking: summer green&yellow bean soup

Po riadnej "obžieračke" a v podstate aj "ožieračke" dobre padne polievka. Chcela som zeleninovú, ale túto nazvime: "čo mraznička vydala". A vydala iba zelenú a žltú fazuľku, stačí.
After a real "eating feast" and basically also "drinking feast" there's one thing making us feel better, the soup. I wanted to make vegetable soup, but let's call my soup: "what I've been able to find in a freezer". And I found just green&yellow beans, well, enough for me.

Letná polievka z fazuľových strukov / Summer green&yellow bean soup

zelené a žlté fazuľové struky mrazené
detská krupica

green and yellow string beans frozen
children's meal - semolina

Do hrnca som dala trochu oleja na ktorom som oparila fazule. Zaliala som asi 1,5 l vody a pridala rozmrvený bujón. Nechala som prevrieť.
I put a bit of oil into the pot and I scalded bean. I added about 1.5 liters of water and broth. I let it cook about 15 minutes.

Zmiešala som vajce s trochou krupice a z tejto zmesi som urobila halušky rovno do polievky.
I mixed the egg with a bit of semolina and I made gnocchi directly into the soup from the mixture.

Nechala som variť ešte asi 10-15 minút, kým boli halušky hotové.
I let it cook for 10-15 minutes more till the gnocchi were done.

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