piatok 30. augusta 2013

dublin: deň prvý / dublin: day one

Trvalo mi to dlhšie, ale lepšie neskoro, ako vôbec. Prichádza séria z mojej dovolenky snov. Začíname: Deň prvý.
Prílet. Lenka ma čakala na letisku. V prvom momente mi ani nedošlo, ako mi je neskutočne teplo. Bola som rada, že sme pristáli (predsa len som letela iba druhýkrát v živote a tentoraz sama) a bola som rada, že opäť raz vidím Lenku. Odniesli sme kufor a zamierili do mesta. Plán bol jednoduchý: Nákupy. Síce sa ich snažím obmedzovať (skrine mi začínajú praskať vo švíkoch), do Írska sa tak často nedostanem, niečo som si predsa len chcela kúpiť. Na zozname som mala iba dve veci: hnedé sandále a šaty.
Svoj plán som splnila na 250 %. Z jedných šiat boli troje, namiesto sandálov som si kúpila balerínky s otvorenou špičkou a ešte som aj dostala Guns N' Roses pyžamko od Lenky a to sme boli iba v 2 (dvoch!!) obchodoch. A samozrejme, bez osvieženia v podobe pivka by to nešlo.
It took mi little longer, but it is always better later than never. Here it comes, my dream vacation serie. Let's begin: Day one.
Arrival. Lenka waited for me. I didn't realized it at the beginning, but it was so hot there. I was happy that we finally arrived (it was just my second flight and this time I was just by myself) and I was so happy I saw Lenka again. We carried my luggage away and went downtown. The plan was simple: Shopping. I am trying to reduce shopping (my closet is filled from the bottom to the top), but I am not that often in Ireland, so I really wanted to buy something there. I had just 2 things on my list: brown sandals and dress.
I met the plan for 250 %. Instead of one dress I bought 3, instead of sandals I bought ballerina shoes with open toe and I got Guns N' Roses pyjamas from Lenka. All of this and we were just in 2 (two!!) shops. And of course, we needed a beer refreshment.

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