piatok 2. augusta 2013

vyzeráme: riflové šortky / the look: denim shorts

Nie som práve typ ženy, ktorá by nosila šortky (jedine doma). Asi preto, že som nikdy nemala pocit, že by som svoje stehná mala nejako veľmi ukazovať, aj keď to asi nebude úplne najhoršie. No lenže keď je vonku cez 30 ° C a idem iba do potravín, to snáď všetci predýchame, nie?
I am not a type of woman who's wearing shorts (just at home). Maybe because I have never had a feeling to show my thighs, even if it is probably not that bad at all. But when it is 30 ° C outside, and it's just grocery shopping, we all should handle it, shouldn't we?

tričko Terranova, šortky C&A, sandále Mixer, taška Dublin, okuliare Lidl / T-shirt Terranova, shorts C&A, sandals Mixer, bag from Dublin, sunglasses Lidl

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