štvrtok 1. augusta 2013

vyzeráme: sukňa? nohavice? / the look: skirt? trousers?

V lete nie je nič lepšie ako príjemný vetrík. A čo je ešte lepšie? Mať v tomto vetríku širokú dlhú sukňu alebo nohavice. Pamätám si z detstva, ako sme nosili nohavicové sukne. Alebo sukňové nohavice? Hmm, nevadí. Ale najväčšia sranda bola, keď sme si dali nohy spolu a bolo to ako sukňa, rozkročili sme sa, boli to nohavice :D
There is nothing better as a gentle wind in the Summer. And what is even better? To wear wide long skirt or trousers. I remember when we was wearing trouser-skirts. Or skirt-trousers? Immm, never mind. But the best was when we put our legs together, it was a skirt, when we straddled our legs it was trousers :D

tielko a náušnice H&M, nohavice Peacocks, kabelka Egypt, sandále www.topanky.sk, náramky Cropp Town, hodinky New Yorker / top & earrings H&M, trousers Peacocks, handbag from Egypt, sandals www.topanky.sk, bracelets Cropp Town, watches New Yorker

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