nedeľa 1. septembra 2013

dublin: deň tretí / dublin: day three

Sobota. Lenka nám objednala výlet vyhliadkovým "autobusom" (obojživelným vozidlom) v štýle Vikingov. Dostali sme na hlavu prilby (dajme tomu, že existujú aj fotky, kde mám túto rohatú prilbu na hlave :D). Bola to veľká zábava, hlavne keď sme mali povolené kričať na ľudí typickým vikingským bojovým pokrikom: "Arrrrggggg!"
Saturday. Lenka ordered a trip for us by sightseeing "bus" (amphibian) in Viking style (Viking splash tour). They gave us viking helmets (there may be few pics of me having this horned thing on my head :D). It was fun, mostly when we were allowed to shout at people using typical viking fight shout: "Arrrrgggg!"

Po vyše hodinovej prehliadke pamiatok Dublinu (s vtipným sprievodcom) sme si museli dať kávu a usadili sme sa v neďalekom parku.
We had to have a coffee after more than hour sightseeing tour around Dublin (with kind of funny guide) and we sit in the near park.

Ale až po tomto všetkom nasledoval zlatý klinec programu: návšteva liehovaru Jameson. Videli sme proces výroby whiskey, v cene vstupného bol aj jeden nápoj (buď čistá whiskey, alebo so zázvorovou malinovkou) a ja som dokonca bola jednou z tých, ktorý boli na ochutnávke (ochutnávala sa írska whiskey Jameson, škótska whiskey Johnnie Walker Red Label a americká whiskey Jack Daniel's), za čo som dostala aj diplom.
The highlight followed after this and it was visiting Jameson distillery. We saw the procedure of making whiskey and in the price of the entry was also one whiskey drink (whiskey, or whiskey with ginger lemonade) and I was also one of those who was on the whiskey tasting (we tasted irish Jameson whiskey, scotch Johnnie Walker Red Label whiskey and american Jack Daniel's whiskey) and they gave me "Irish whiskey taster" diploma. 
cesta k liehovaru / way to distillery

proces / procedure

zdola zľava - 1ročná, 3ročná, 6ročná, hore zľava - 9ročná a 12ročná / from the bottom left - 1year, 3year, 6 year, top left - 9year and 12year

Bola sobota a čo sa robieva v soboty? Ide sa tancovať. Nepamätám si názov tej diskotéky, ale vyzeralo to tam úžasne. Akoby sme vošli do opery. Krásne lustre, zlaté rámy, všetko krásne luxusné. No nádhera.
It was Saturday and what usually happens during Saturdays? Dancing. I don't remember name of the disco club, but it looks amazing. It was like if we go to opera. Beautiful chandeliers, gold frames, everything so luxurious. Wonderful.

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