sobota 4. januára 2014

vyzeráme: ak by som šla na novoročnú párty / the look: if i went to a new year's party

Silvester, Nový rok, dôvod na oslavu. Ako pre koho. Dva dni, skoro ako každé iné. Jeden znamená koniec, druhý je začiatkom. Na jednej strane bilancovanie, čo bolo, aké to bolo, čo by sme urobili ináč. Na druhej strane predsavzatia, čo bude, čo budeme robiť ináč. Oddelené iba sekundou. 
Pravdu povediac, tento prelom som ani nezachytila. Jednak som sledovala film (celkom ľutujem, že som Nehanebných bastardov nevidela skôr) a taktiež ohňostroje a petardy búchali už od rána (a nedali si pokoj ešte ani okolo 2 nadránom). O čo som prišla? Moment? Sekundu? Stále som tu. Stále som tu na to, aby som ľutovala svoje rozhodnutia a dávala si predsavzatia, že nabudúce to bude ináč.
Sylvester, New Year's Eve, som reason for celebration. Well, it depends on whom. Two days, almost the same as the others. One means end, the other one is beginning. On one hand there is balancing on what was, how it was, what would we do different. On the other hand new resolutions, what will be, what will we do different. Sepparated just with one second. 
To be honest, I didn't catch the breakthrough. I was watching movie (I regret a bit that I didn't see Inglourious basterds earlier) and also all those fireworks and bangers were thumping all day long (and they didn't end till 2 am). What did I miss? A moment? A second? I am still here. Here to regret my decisions and to give resolutions to myself that next time it will be different.

blúzka a kabela H&M, legíny a hodinky New Yorker, čižmy, náušnice I am
blouse and handbag H&M, leggins and watches New Yorker, boots, earrings I am

2 komentáre:

  1. krasna kosela!

    Inak pozyvam na Nobilis Tilia giveaway a k tomu par drobnosti. Tu:
