streda 30. apríla 2014

vyzeráme: objatia zadarmo / the look: free hugs

Kopec hodín a zase sa mi nechce spať. Telo je unavené, hlava je ale stále čulá. Víria ňou stále tie isté nezodpovedané otázky. Prestáva ma to baviť. Strácam trpezlivosť. Neviem, čo robiť.
Potrebujem objať. Kto sa ponúkne?
It's getting pretty late and I don't want to sleep yet. The body is tired, but the head is still running. Running the same unanswered questions all over again. I am becoming tired of it. I am loosing my patience. Don't know what to do.
I need a hug. Who is offering?

tunika a kardigán second hand, tielko H&M, jeggínsy New Look, topánky F&F, kabelka od Škublovičky, hodinky River Island
tunic and cardigan second hand, vest H&M, jeggins New Look, boots F&F, handbag from Škublovička, watch River Island

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