štvrtok 24. apríla 2014

vyzeráme: hovorí sa........ / the look: it is said........

Hovorí sa: "Všetko, čo chceš vedieť o vzťahoch mužov a žien: Muži veria tomu, čo vidia, ženy veria tomu, čo počujú. Preto sa ženy maľujú a muži klamú." Keď som to prvýkrát počula, iba som sa zasmiala. Keď som sa nad tým ale neskôr zamyslela, niečo na tom asi bude.
It is said: "All you need to know about relationships between men and women: Men believe what they see, women believe what they hear. That's why women wear make up and men lie." When I heard this for the first time, I just laugh. But when I thought about it later, it seems there's something about it.

tričko New Look, rifle Tally Weijl, kabelka LYDC (Zoot), náhrdelník Camaieau, hodinky New Yorker, náušnice H&M, opasok Marks&Spencer, topánky Cropp Town
top New Look, jeans Tally Weijl, handbag LYDC (Zoot), necklace Camaieau, watch New Yorker, earrings H&M, belt Marks&Spencer, shoes Cropp Town

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