pondelok 25. augusta 2014

(nie úplne) vyzeráme: svadobné zvony / (not really) the look: wedding bells

Trošku si s príspevkami lagujem, mrzí ma to. Vôľa by aj bola, možno aj chuť, ale to kvantum myšlienok a pocitov (a prevažne negatívnych a zmiešaných) mi stále nejde správne zoradiť. Nebudem ale negatívna. Nie teraz. Presne, ako som aj včera mamke povedala, celý týždeň sa idem iba tešiť, na Škubličkin veľký deň. Už najbližšiu sobotu.
I am lagging with my posts a bit and I am sorry for that. I have will, even drive for it, but that quantum of thoughts and feelings (mostly negative and mixed), I am simply not able to put them in right order. But I am not going to be negative. Not now. As I said to my mom yesterday, I will be only looking forward this week, for Škublička's big day. Already this Saturday.  

top Mango, sukňa Cropp Town, kabelka F&F, sandále ModCloth, hodinky New Look
top Mango, skirt Cropp Town, handbag F&F, sandals ModCloth, watch New Look

Video: YouTube

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