Budem sentimentálna. Viete, čo sa mi najviac páči na našich halloweenskych "návratoch v čase"? Napriek všetkým zmenám či už v práci, láske, bývaní, živote,.. každý rok takto pekne s priateľmi cestujeme v tom čase spolu :D :D :D A taktiež sa mi páči, že Pedobear ani tento rok nesklamal a že som nič nestratila :D :D :D
ps1: Matymu sme vykričali hlavnú cenu za najlepšiu masku, ou jééé :D :D
ps2: pajko pandúr, Sue Ellen Ewing, Jessica Rabbit, gejša, tenisová loptička... :D :D
ps5: Kapela bola skvelá..
ps6: Ani jedno zvieratko neprišlo k ujme na zdraví..
I will be sentimental. Do you know, what I like about our halloween "timetravellings" the most? Despite all changes at work, love, living, life,.. each year we gather with friends and we time-travel together :D :D :D And I also like that Pedobear did not disappoint us again this year and also that I didn't lose anything :D :D :D
ps1: We "screamed" Maty's first place at best mask competition, ou yeah :D :D
ps2: pandour, Sue Ellen Ewing, Jessica Rabbit, geisha, tennis ball... :D :D
ps3: Timetravelling 2014
ps4: Timetravelling 2013
ps5: The band was awesome..
ps6: Neither of the animals got hurt..
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