nedeľa 23. marca 2014

vyzeráme: denim & denim / the look: denim & denim

Tento víkend je jeden z tých uspokojujúcejších. Taký víkend, na konci ktorého si človek povie: "Škoda, že víkend nemá aspoň 3 dni!" Fajn program s fajn ľuďmi za nami, ďalší fajn program s ďalšími fajn ľuďmi ešte stále pred nami. Teším sa do kina na Grandholet Budapešť, dúfam, že to bude fakt sranda. Ale najskôr sa trošku "prejdeme" po Auparku, keď už boli tie kupóny v Eve na tento víkned :D Len aby som to neprehnala :D
This weekend is one of those satisfying. That kind of weekend at the end of which you are wondering: "A pity weekend doesn't have at least 3 days!" Nice program with nice people behind us, another nice program with another nice people still in front of us. I am looking forward to the cinema to see The Grand Budapest Hotel, I hope it will be really fun. But at first we will do a little "walk" around Aupark since there were some coupons for this weekend in Eva magazine :D Just not to overdo it :D

košeľa second hand, rifle Mango, opasok butik v Poprade, topánky F&F, náhrdelník ? / shirt second hand, jeans Mango, belt boutique in Poprad, shoes F&F, necklace ?

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