pondelok 17. augusta 2015

šatník: teplo & zima / closet: hot n cold

V sobotu som zažila asi svoju zatiaľ najhoršiu cestu vlakom (a to som sa počas svojich  rokov štúdia na VŠ v Žiline cestovala domov každý víkend :D). Šla som síce biznis-triedou, kožené sedadlá a tak podobne. Lenže tie mi tam vadili asi najviac, keďže som mala iba šaty na ramienka s dĺžkou iba do pol stehien :D. Ale prežila som a som doma (naozaj doma v Poprade) a je to super. Akurát sa ochladilo a ten vzduch a to ticho. Nedá sa to ani opísať. Mám chuť iba sedieť v kresle/hojdačke a dívať sa do blba :D.

I had the worst train travel in my life this Saturday (and I used to travel home by train each weekend during my University studies in Žilina :D). I travelled by business class - leather seats and so. But those leather seats was upsetting me the most since I was wearing dress with straps in half-thigh length :D. But I survived and I am home (like my real home in Poprad) and it's so great. It cooled outside and the air and the silence. I cannot even describe it. I feel like just sitting in a chair/swing and look nowhere :D.

top H&M, legíny New Look cez zoot.cz, topánky ModCloth, kabelka LYDC cez zoot.cz, kardigán second hand, náušnice a hodinky New Look, okuliare F&F
top H&M, leggings New Look via zoot.cz, shoes ModCloth, handbag LYDC via zoot.cz, cardigan second hand, earrings & watch New Look, sunglasses F&F

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