Už sú to tri roky od môjho prvého príspevku, tri roky čo mi tento môj blog "zachraňuje" príčetnosť. Som rada, že ho mám, cítim pri ňom tak trošku pocit zodpovednosti za niečo (skoro ako keby som mala psíka, alebo možno kvetinku - o tú sa treba starať menej :D). Je to akýsi pocit dospelosti, pocit, že niečo "udržiavam pri živote" (a teraz fakt nemyslím seba :)). Aj keď väčšinou píšem len tak o ničom..
It's been three years since my first post. For three years my blog is "saving" my sanity. I am glad I have it, I feel some kind of responsibility for something (I believe it's similar feeling like if I have a dog, or maybe a flower - needs less care :D). I almost feel mature, because I am the one "keeping something alive" (and now I am really not talking about myself :)). Even if I mostly write about nothing..
It's been three years since my first post. For three years my blog is "saving" my sanity. I am glad I have it, I feel some kind of responsibility for something (I believe it's similar feeling like if I have a dog, or maybe a flower - needs less care :D). I almost feel mature, because I am the one "keeping something alive" (and now I am really not talking about myself :)). Even if I mostly write about nothing..
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