utorok 3. septembra 2013

dublin: deň štvrtý / dublin: day four

Nedeľa. Po namáhavej sobote sa žilo trošku ťažšie. Ale čerstvý vzduch a nenamáhavý program pomohli. Boli sme prejsť pri mori a aj na farmárskych trhoch. Veľmi sa mi páčilo, čo u nás veľmi nevidieť. Ľudia len tak sedia, kde im príde. Na tráve, na chodníku, kade - tade. Alebo ďalšia vec, terasy. Pri baroch v centre niečo skoro nevídané. A načo aj? Ľudia všade iba tak postávali s pivom v ruke. Nie som si istá, či si to u nás viem predstaviť.
Sunday. Living was harder after hard Saturday. But fresh air and effortless program helped a lot. We went to the seaside and visit farmers market. One thing I really liked was something for us not to see. People are sitting everywhere they want. On a grass, on a pavement, everywhere. Or another thing, terraces. In bars in centre something almost unseen. Why should they? People were standing just like that before the bar with beer in hand. I am not sure I can imagine it in here.

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